Chubby Bunny Blog
Globe World
Monday, 23 October 2017
What sort of person are you??
What sort of person are you??
That’s a tough question, are you sauce on the side or sauce on the top??
Take this quiz to find and comment below your answers!!
Question 1 :
Ketchup on the side….
Or ketchup on top.
Question 2 :
Pineapple lumps….
Or Jaffa lumps.
Question 3 :
Corn on the cob….
Or corn from the tin.
Question 4 :
Question 5 :
Squeeze the tube of toothpaste….
Or roll the tube of toothpaste.
Question 6 :
Spaghetti heated up…
Or left cold.
Question 6 :
Hair tied up…
Or left down.
Question 7 :
Full mail in inbox…
Or no mail in inbox.
Question 8 :
Writing on paper…
Or on the computer.
Question 9 :
Tomato Sauce…
Or BBQ Sauce.
Comment below ‘more quizzes’ for more quizzes and questions!!
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Passion Project Poem
This terms passion Project has gone really well,
But when put under pressure we almost fell,
Sometimes we got stuck in the pit,
And during those times, I almost quit.
But we really achieved a lot,
We picked up some rubbish,
Just waiting there to rot.
Then we contacted the mayor,
To change the policies,
About fining the people who litter our trees.
At the moment we're waiting for a reply,
Hopefully the mayor does not deny.
But when put under pressure we almost fell,
Sometimes we got stuck in the pit,
And during those times, I almost quit.
But we really achieved a lot,
We picked up some rubbish,
Just waiting there to rot.
Then we contacted the mayor,
To change the policies,
About fining the people who litter our trees.
At the moment we're waiting for a reply,
Hopefully the mayor does not deny.
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Life as a blonde: Part l
This is Nikyla and my shared writing,
This story is based in the 1980s, ENJOY!
Chapter One (Ellie)
Ever since I was younger I loved the sound of the wooden hammer banging against the wooden block. When I was younger I had to go to court a lot because my dad has a BIG and when I say BIG I mean BIG criminal record. I liked court because it helped my dad with his problems. So since I was 3 years old I, Autumn Harris, wanted to be a lawyer. And that's where it all began…
“Mum!!! Where are my shoes.” I'm 17 years old and I'm still having problems finding my stuff. I think my little brother Joshua might of taken some of my things, but I've never gotten round to asking him. No, actually, there's no point, he's probably just gonna lie about it anyway. I've never trusted him since the time he lied about “accidentally” splatting my favourite pink glittery shoes with mud. I'll never forgive him.
“In the hallway, love,” my mum yelled back. My mum’s a nice person, she's really kind and caring.
“Thanks,” I reply. I grab my bag, slip my shoes on, have a spoonful of my porridge, say goodbye to mum, and head out the door so I'm not late for the bus. And just in time it's waiting for me outside my door. I step into the bus and sit on the first available seat I see.see
I don't usually bus to school, I usually bike, but sometimes i just want to change it up a bit. Besides the bus driver, Murray, is really nice to me, last time I bussed to school we had a really good conversation about all the robberies that have been happening lately, it was unbelievable. Bet you couldn't guess you came up with that topic.
“Hello Autumn,” the bus driver said cheerfully. “How's your day been so far.”
“Good, thank you.” I reply. Then i started to blabber on about the murder mystery of Jackson Robinson.
Finally we arrive at school and the double doors open as i step out of the bus. “This is gonna be a big year.” I mutter to myself.
Oh, i forgot to mention, it's the start of my last year at high school. “Here we go….”
Chapter 2 (Ellie)
“Hey, how's it going.” I sprung at my BFF, Ashley, with my arms wide open, “long time no see, Ash.”
“Yeah, hey, guess what,” Ashley says.
“I don't know, how am I supposed to know ‘what’, do you think I stalk you or something.”
“Ohhhhh, you're always so difficult, any way, guess what I got from my parents for my birthday.”
“I told you, I don't know!”
“Can you please be serious!?”
“Ok, umm, let me guess…… a unicorn?.”
Ashley gave a deep sigh. “A pug, you stupid, I named him Jeffrey.”
“Oh, cute.”
Dlliinngg dlliinngg, Dlliinngg dlliinngg.
“See you in science,” I called out to Ashley as I rushed to form room.
After form room was gym. My least favourite subject because 1, our teacher, Mr Presley, makes us do press ups, I mean come on, press ups. And 2, the gym smells like old socks and sweaty armpits.The horror. And 3, Jackson McCow in gym who think they're cool. They've been bullying me ever since last year when my teacher, Ms Bumper, was asking students what they wanted to be when there older. I said I wanted to be a lawyer. Everybody laughed and shouted out things like, “good one Autumn, keep dreaming.” My spine shivered as I pushed open the double doors of the gym. Oh, oh no, there it is, the wonderful smell of the old socks and sweaty armpits.
(^^Sorry, this chapter isn't finished^^)
Chapter three (Nikyla)
“AHHHH,” I cried. My computer was flat and I can’t find my charger. I was so excited because I was about to send in my application for Hayes Young Law School.
“ I don’t have it,” My Bratty Little Rotten Redheaded Brother lied. Oh No! When I shout at him he cries like a little girl. Then he tells mum that I did EVERYTHING WRONG! “Joshua, what’s wrong?” My Mum asks
“Nothing he’s just tired, that’s all,” I said before he had a chance to say another little lie.
“ No that’s not …” he started
“A lie,” I interrupted
“Autumn can you please leave me and mum alone for a minute I need to tell her the truth,” Joshua said to me.
“Sure,” I replied. I stepped away from the door and hid around the corner so I could listen to them.
“She accused me of taking her charger,” Joshua said in a baby voice
“She’s just stressed because she was about to send her application into law school,” Mum said to Joshua.
Aaaaa Nnnnn Ddddd SEND!!!! Yay it’s done, my application into hayes young law school is sent. Now all I have to do is wait for an acceptance email. Wait what if I did something wrong what if I made a fool of myself! I started running around in circles holding my head. I flopped on the couch and sighed.
YAWN! I woke up on the couch with my laptop lying on me. I turned it on and checked my emails. RARRR. NOTHING, I have absolutely nothing from the law school.
The whole day I was thinking about my computer, but mum said that i need to stop looking at it or i will start pulling my hairs out
BEERLLINNGG!!! my computer flashed and opened my emails. OMG it’s from hayes law school!!! My brother and my mum are still in my brothers’ room so I rushed in there and screamed at the top of my lounges “I GOT IN!”
Chapter four (Nikyla)
I took a deep breath because today was no longer spring break today was my very first day of Hayes Young Law School. “Excuse me are you Miss Harris,” A lady asked me with a confused look on her face.
“Should I be?” I replied
“Well it I kind of hope not if your a blonde,” She said with attitude
“Well, In fact I just so happen to be Miss Harris,” I say with some sass “ Do yourself a favor and take that back.”
“Why should I?”she asks
“Did your mother raise you right, oh wait I can answer that for you, NO,” I said as a stormed off past her. I walked straight to the front desk and made a complaint that said this: My guider was very rude to me and made fun of me because i’m a blonde!
Yours sincerely Autumn Harris.
I passed the note the lady sitting in a chair. Her reply to me was like this. “HMMM sorry love, your gonna get lots of that bullying around this school.” “No one is a blonde here,” she continued “Keep your head up and you’ll be right.” She said as I turned the other way. That lady seemed nice so I snuck around the corner and listened to see if that lady was going to say something mean about me. WHAT? She said not one little bad thing about in fact she said the nicest that anyone has ever said about me. She said that she wishes that she could be as strong as I am, but then I realised why, she knew I hid around that corner and she isn't the only one that knew. It was my guider that knew as well as the person that runs this place MR. PENDANSKI and he was crouched down in the same position as me looking at me in his creepy stare. “Your coming with me Miss Harris, you have not made a good impression so far,” he said
“ I promise sir, this is all just a misunderstanding,” I replied
“That's what everyone said,” he went on. He kept talking about how amazing he is at his job, but I really do not believe that he is the best for this place he is only making people feel horrible for absolutely no reason at all. He doesn't listen to people's explanations and that's not all he is such a bragger when he has a big fat pimple on his forehead which really makes his wife look really bad because she is beautiful looking and then you look at him, not the best look.
After five weeks at law school I decided I wasn't spending much time with my dog LoLo so I am taking her for a walk.
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Decide a name for my chickens:D
Hi guys, it's me Ellie.
I am so so excited because my Dad said that I could get some chickens. At first I wanted to get a pet rat, I tried to convince my Mum and Dad, but it didn't work. My Dad tried to suggest other animals I could have and thats when 'chickens' came up.
Me and my Dad are going to build a shed for the chickens in my paddock and we are going to get about 6 chickens.
I'm giving a choice to my family to name a chicken each, I have 4 other people in my family and since the chickens are going to be my responsibility, (with a little bit of help), I get to name 2 of them, (I decided that). That's where you come in.
I'm letting any one that visits my blog vote on a name for one of the 2 chickens.
Comment below what name you think would best suit a chicken.
The 2 most common votes will be my chickens names.
Happy Blogging :D
I am so so excited because my Dad said that I could get some chickens. At first I wanted to get a pet rat, I tried to convince my Mum and Dad, but it didn't work. My Dad tried to suggest other animals I could have and thats when 'chickens' came up.
Me and my Dad are going to build a shed for the chickens in my paddock and we are going to get about 6 chickens.
I'm giving a choice to my family to name a chicken each, I have 4 other people in my family and since the chickens are going to be my responsibility, (with a little bit of help), I get to name 2 of them, (I decided that). That's where you come in.
I'm letting any one that visits my blog vote on a name for one of the 2 chickens.
Comment below what name you think would best suit a chicken.
The 2 most common votes will be my chickens names.
Happy Blogging :D
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Real Learning Challenge
Hi guys,
It's Ellie and Violet here. We just wanted to post to give you all a huge THANK YOU for donating some animal food for the S.P.C.A. The S.P.C.A is going to be so thankful. Without Frankley School, Bell Block School, and yet to come Vogeltown School, this wouldn't be possible.

We Got Dog Food, Cat Food, Chicken Fed,
Cat Crate, Cat Toys And Dog Toys. Thank You All.
Thank You All, Happy Blogging
It's Ellie and Violet here. We just wanted to post to give you all a huge THANK YOU for donating some animal food for the S.P.C.A. The S.P.C.A is going to be so thankful. Without Frankley School, Bell Block School, and yet to come Vogeltown School, this wouldn't be possible.
We Got Dog Food, Cat Food, Chicken Fed,
Cat Crate, Cat Toys And Dog Toys. Thank You All.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017
+ & - About Winter
Winter -
Winter is so cold
Slippery and icy fields
Spine shivering air
Winter +
New season has come
Hot chocolate by the fire
The grass is shiny

Here is a similar post
Winter is so cold
Slippery and icy fields
Spine shivering air
Winter +
New season has come
Hot chocolate by the fire
The grass is shiny
Here is a similar post
Monday, 15 May 2017
My Top 3 Reasons To Visit New Zealand, North Island
I'm gonna tell you my top 3 reasons to visit New Zealand, North Island
Huka Falls
This is one of the places you need to visit if you come to NZ.
The Huka Falls are the largest falls on the Waikato River, near Taupo on New Zealand's North Island.
At the Huka Falls, the Waikato River is pushed through a 20 metre wide gorge and over a dramatic 20m drop.
Every second up to 220,000 litres of water splashes and hurls it's way through the gorge and shoots out over 8 metres beyond to create a beautiful crystal clear pool.
2. Rotorua
Here's another place you'll need to come to if you come to the North Island of New Zealand.
Rotorua is known for bubbling mud pools, shooting geysers and natural hot springs.
Rotorua has also got a lot of things to do, including Redwoods Whakarewarewa Forest, Government Gardens, Waimangu Cauldron, Rainbow Mountain, mazes and more.
3. Splash Planet
Personally I've never been to Splash Planet, Hastings, but I've seen pictures of this place, and heard about it and it sounds pretty amazing with heaps of different things to do offering, a selection of theme park rides and water attractions. Splash Planet is the perfect place for the whole family.
Here is my friends blog post, she sort of did the same as me but in poem form.
Graces Blog Post

Huka Falls
This is one of the places you need to visit if you come to NZ.
The Huka Falls are the largest falls on the Waikato River, near Taupo on New Zealand's North Island.
At the Huka Falls, the Waikato River is pushed through a 20 metre wide gorge and over a dramatic 20m drop.
Every second up to 220,000 litres of water splashes and hurls it's way through the gorge and shoots out over 8 metres beyond to create a beautiful crystal clear pool.
2. Rotorua
Here's another place you'll need to come to if you come to the North Island of New Zealand.
Rotorua is known for bubbling mud pools, shooting geysers and natural hot springs.
Rotorua has also got a lot of things to do, including Redwoods Whakarewarewa Forest, Government Gardens, Waimangu Cauldron, Rainbow Mountain, mazes and more.
3. Splash Planet
Personally I've never been to Splash Planet, Hastings, but I've seen pictures of this place, and heard about it and it sounds pretty amazing with heaps of different things to do offering, a selection of theme park rides and water attractions. Splash Planet is the perfect place for the whole family.
Here is my friends blog post, she sort of did the same as me but in poem form.
Graces Blog Post
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Monday, 20 March 2017
About me
I have a brother and he is so annoying. he is 12 years old.
And I also have a little sister, she is 5 and just started school.
I have 10 pets. I dog named Roy, 2 cats called Gabby & Max and last of all 7 sheep.
I am a total foodie. Except for Brussel sprouts. My favourite fruit are pawpaw, custard apple & star fruit.
I love cheering, gymnastics and hanging out with my friends.
I here's a little secret about me. I'm really really really CRAZY!!
And I also have a little sister, she is 5 and just started school.
I have 10 pets. I dog named Roy, 2 cats called Gabby & Max and last of all 7 sheep.
I am a total foodie. Except for Brussel sprouts. My favourite fruit are pawpaw, custard apple & star fruit.
I love cheering, gymnastics and hanging out with my friends.
I here's a little secret about me. I'm really really really CRAZY!!
Monday, 13 March 2017
How to give a quality comment!!
How to Comment
Commenting can be hard sometimes. You don't know what to say. You don't know what to write. So I'm gonna give you some tips.
Tip 1: Start With A Compliment
It's nice to start with a specific complement. If you like the bloggers writing, tell them. Be positive and be specific.
Tip 2: Add New Information
It's always good to add facial information to your comment. For example, if someone's writing about climbing a mountain and you've seen it or read about it go ahead and write some new facial info about that mountain. How wide is it? How tall is it?
Be sure to look at the comment section to make sure no one else has written what you wanna say, and if no one has go ahead and write it.
Tip 3: Make A Connection
To make the comment better it is nice to have a connection with the writer. Connections remind people of things.
For example, let's say your friend published a post about their fishing trip and they caught a huge fish. And it reminded you of when you went fishing and caught some fish too. Then you might want to share some facts about that time, because it is connected to the other person's post.
Tip 4: Finish With A Question
It's always good to ask a relevant question at the end of your comment. Try to get a conversation going.
For example, if someone put something about butterflies and you are wondering about their life span or the different colours they come in, add that question in your comment.
So those were some tips about quality comments.
I there is anything else that you wanna know, ask a questions in the comments below.
Thank you and Happy Blogging
Chubby Bunny Out!!
Commenting can be hard sometimes. You don't know what to say. You don't know what to write. So I'm gonna give you some tips.
Tip 1: Start With A Compliment
It's nice to start with a specific complement. If you like the bloggers writing, tell them. Be positive and be specific.
Tip 2: Add New Information
It's always good to add facial information to your comment. For example, if someone's writing about climbing a mountain and you've seen it or read about it go ahead and write some new facial info about that mountain. How wide is it? How tall is it?
Be sure to look at the comment section to make sure no one else has written what you wanna say, and if no one has go ahead and write it.
Tip 3: Make A Connection
To make the comment better it is nice to have a connection with the writer. Connections remind people of things.
For example, let's say your friend published a post about their fishing trip and they caught a huge fish. And it reminded you of when you went fishing and caught some fish too. Then you might want to share some facts about that time, because it is connected to the other person's post.
Tip 4: Finish With A Question
It's always good to ask a relevant question at the end of your comment. Try to get a conversation going.
For example, if someone put something about butterflies and you are wondering about their life span or the different colours they come in, add that question in your comment.
So those were some tips about quality comments.
I there is anything else that you wanna know, ask a questions in the comments below.
Thank you and Happy Blogging
Chubby Bunny Out!!
Thursday, 2 March 2017
Oh no, hooray! Oh no, hooray! What am I supposed to feel like right now. This is supposed to be my day of honour and joy. I am so nervous, and so proud at the same time.
No, no no Ellie, come on, pull it together, you can do this, snap out of it. You are a responsible year 6 and should stand tall.
We are at an assembly for the year 6s (me). To award them a badge that reminds them to stand tall for others and yourself. I'm sitting at the front with all my friends. Soon a video of me comes on. I hide my face in my hands so everyone does not see my tomato red face. Soon it's over, that wasn't so bad, was it.
Once everybody's video has been played, Mr Ritai (our principal ) calls us up on stage to collect our badges. First I have to shake both my teacher's hands and then collect my badge from Mr Ritai. As soon as I have my badge I take a good look at it. It says “Te Kaha.” Which means Stand tall. Stand tall to me means to look out for others and to raise your hand when something needs doing.
I am Ellie and Stand Tall is what I’m gonna do this year.
Thursday, 16 February 2017
This week is my third week of school and already I think I'm getting better at my swimming. My goal for swimming this year is to swim at a minimum of 20 metres. At school we go swimming everyday so I get to practice and improve my skills.
Thursday, 2 February 2017
What Would You Sell
Topic : If I owned a shop
If I owned a shop, it would be a pet day care, called Pet Paradise. It would be open 24/7 including overnight stays. Every pet would be allowed, from dogs to elephants, from cats to ants.
Pet Paradise would include all meals, pet spas, pet massages and playing with the animals. The beds will be any and every size with an extra fluffy duvet and pillows. The maximum stay would be 18 nights.
Now it comes to the price. Even though Pet paradise is going to come to be the best ever Pet day care in history, it all will come at a very low price. Only $10.50 for every 24 hours.
And that would be my dream shop.
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