Globe World

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Monday, 20 March 2017

About me

I have a brother and he is so annoying. he is 12 years old.
And I also have a little sister, she is 5 and just started school. 

I have 10 pets. I dog named Roy, 2 cats called Gabby & Max and last of all 7 sheep.

I am a total foodie. Except for Brussel sprouts. My favourite fruit are pawpaw, custard apple & star fruit.

I love cheering, gymnastics and hanging out with my friends.

I here's a little secret about me. I'm really really really CRAZY!!

Monday, 13 March 2017

How to give a quality comment!!

How to Comment

Commenting can be hard sometimes. You don't know what to say. You don't know what to write. So I'm gonna give you some tips.

Tip 1: Start With A Compliment
It's nice to start with a specific complement. If you like the bloggers writing, tell them. Be positive and be specific.

Tip 2: Add New Information
It's always good to add facial information to your comment. For example, if someone's writing about climbing a mountain and you've seen it or read about it  go ahead and write some new facial info about that mountain. How wide is it? How tall is it?
Be sure to look at the comment section to make sure no one else has written what you wanna say, and if no one has go ahead and write it.

Tip  3: Make A Connection
To make the comment better it is nice to have a connection with the writer. Connections remind people of things.
For example, let's say your friend published a post about their fishing trip and they caught a huge fish. And it reminded you of when you went fishing and caught some fish too. Then you might want to share some facts about that time, because it is connected to the other person's post.

Tip 4: Finish With A Question
It's always good to ask a relevant question at the end of your comment. Try to get a conversation going.
For example, if someone put something about butterflies and you are wondering about their life span or the different colours they come in, add that question in your comment.

So those were some tips about quality comments.
I there is anything else that you wanna know, ask a questions in the comments below.
Thank you and Happy Blogging

Chubby Bunny Out!!

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Oh no, hooray! Oh no, hooray! What am I supposed to feel like right now. This is supposed to be my day of honour and joy. I am so nervous, and so proud at the same time.
No, no no Ellie, come on, pull it together, you can do this, snap out of it. You are a responsible year 6 and should stand tall.

We are at an assembly for the year 6s (me). To award them a badge that reminds them to stand tall for others and yourself. I'm sitting at the front with all my friends. Soon a video of me comes on. I hide my face in my hands so everyone does not see my tomato red face. Soon it's over, that wasn't so bad, was it.
Once everybody's video has been played, Mr Ritai (our principal ) calls us up on stage to collect our badges. First I have to shake both my teacher's hands and then collect my badge from Mr Ritai. As soon as I have my badge I take a good look at it. It says “Te Kaha.” Which means Stand tall. Stand tall to me means to look out for others and to raise your hand when something needs doing.

I am Ellie and Stand Tall is what I’m gonna do this year.