Globe World

Sunday, 28 June 2015

In room 9 a group of people are doing lexia core 5. Some of those students are us. Some of our questions include idioms. For example to spill the beans. That question doesn’t literally mean to spill beans, because it’s an idiom. It actually means to tell a secret.         By Ellie and Lizzie

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Room 9 rectangle maths group have been working on decimal numbers.

 These are the kind of questions Mrs Cribb have been giving us. For example 

0.7 + 0.3 = 1.0

 It’s just like 7 + 3 = 10 with the decimal point. 

 By Ellie and Carys

Sunday, 7 June 2015


Walking across the unstable creaky bridge, trying to hold itself up, broken sticks blocking their paths. Smoke filled the air and the leafless trees sighed, as the exhausted soldiers glooped sadly past.      No chance they'll survive.

See if you can spot the personification (human quality) in my story.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015


1.  a echidna has fur.
2.  spines.
3.  long claws.
4.  hind legs (high legs).
5.  small eyes
6.  wedge shaped snout (nose is a snout).
7.  small head.
8.  a big tummy.
9.  they look like a hedge.   
10. spikes all over them

     Today I found out today about echidnas. echidnas are like porcupines. The thing that make porcupines and echidnas different is that echidnas have long snouts.
Baby echidnas are called puggles. It’s a cute name.