Globe World

Sunday, 28 June 2015

In room 9 a group of people are doing lexia core 5. Some of those students are us. Some of our questions include idioms. For example to spill the beans. That question doesn’t literally mean to spill beans, because it’s an idiom. It actually means to tell a secret.         By Ellie and Lizzie


  1. You girls have collaborated really well together today in our literacy sharing. It was weird that the idiom 'spill the beans' came up in our shared novel and then again in the Lexia work. I hope that I don't get tempted to 'spill the beans' when I know a secret. It can be hard though. What are you enjoying about your Lexia time.

    1. Hi Mrs Cribb
      thanks for the comment
      in lexia time i enjoy when there is a story with missing words
      there is a timer timing me as you quickly chose a word that would fit in the sentence

  2. Sounds like idioms are a piece of cake :)
